It's been a minute since our last post. It's always been our intent to keep this blog updated. But, it's been tough to manage all the different elements of
Killer B3 as things continue to grow. We're not complaining, we're just sorry to keep you waiting.
(L) Murv and (R) Joe talk to Hammond fans during Killer B3 fundraiser at the Palladium's Side Door in St. Petersburg, FL Photo Courtesy: Jay Nolan |
Since October,
Killer B3 has been selected to three film festivals. In March, we made our world debut in our own backyard at the Gasparilla International Film Festival (GIFF) in Tampa, Florida. GIFF was recently voted one of the top 25 film festivals worth attending by Moviemaker Magazine.
(R) Murv and Joe answer questions after GIFF screening. Photo Courtesy: Jay Nolan |
We screened to a sold out house at CineBistro Theater. It was amazing! What a great venue to watch a movie. It's like watching a flick from the couch, or your favorite chair at home. We were emotionally touched to see people receive
Killer B3 with laughter, tears and overall joy.
(L) Gene Yagle takes photo of (L) Joe and Murv during Q&A session at GIFF. Photo by: Jay Nolan |
Our buddies Jay Nolan and Gene Yagle snapped a few shots of the historic day for us. Overall, we couldn't be happier with our experience at Gasparilla.
(L) Joe gets interviewed by GIFF board member/pressman Frank Robertson. |
One of the coolest things about our GIFF screening, actor Colin Farrell was posted up on the red carpet immediately after our screening. Yea, we shared the red carpet with a Hollywood star, sort of. Lol. Farrel made a surprise visit to GIFF to support a film produced by one of his friends.
Colin Farrell works the red carpet next to us! Photo by: Jay Nolan |
(L) Murv Seymour, Joe Bamford, Sr., Peggy Bamford, Joe Bamford, Jr., (R)Kristine Bamford, Photo by: Jay Nolan |
In June,
Killer B3 screened at the San Francisco Black Film Festival (SFBFF). Because of budget restraints, Joe didn't make the trip.
Murv invites patrons of the Boom Boom Room to watch Killer B3. |
SFBFF is held in the incredible Filmore District of S.F. What a cool place. It's so filled with the artistic vibe. You've got the Filmore Theater. There's Yoshi's Sushi and Jazz Club. There is also tons of great food venues on Filmore. One of our popular
Killer B3 stickers is hopefully a permanent fixture on the back stage door at the Filmore.
Festival volunteer Greg "Dread" gave me and
Killer B3 cameraman Stan Pechner a VIP tour of the historic venue. "Dread" used to work there, and still does from time to time.
Murv and SFBFF volunteer Greg "Dread" while backstage at the Filmore Theatre. Photo by: Stan Pechner |
Killer B3 was screened at Johnny Lee Hooker's former blues club, the Boom Boom Room. Organizers thought it was a perfect spot to screen because the club has a great history with the Hammond organ. The club has an in-house Hammond B3 so traveling musicians don't have to lug theirs to the club.
A |
Keyboardist jams on the in-house Hammond B3 at the Boom Boom Room. |
Killer B3 was screened twice over the SFBFF weekend. I gave out
Killer B3 T-shirts to various people. It's a cool way to promote because the shirt gets people talking about your project.
Killer B3 fan proudly holds up Killer B3 T-Shirt. Photo by: Stan Pechner |
Les the doorman sports his Killer B3 Shirt outside the Boom Boom Room. Photo by: Stan Pechner |
We had a larger turnout for our Saturday afternoon showing. Both audiences were filled with fans of the instrument and fans of the SBFF.
Boom Boom Room patron and SFBFF supporter enjoys Killer B3 screening. |
Killer B3 received Honorary Mention for Best Documentary at the SFBFF. This is obviously a big deal for us.
Pete Fallico attended our SFBFF screening. Pete is a S.F. Bay area radio programmer, concert promoter and President of the Jazz Organ Fellowship. We would have never been able to produce
Killer B3 without Pete's helping hand. You can see it firmly planted on my shoulder.
(L) Pete Fallico meets Murv for the first time in the Johnny Lee Hooker booth after screening at SFBFF. Photo by: Stan Pechner |
(L) SFBFF volunteer Jauque tries on his Killer B3 T-Shirt during SFBFF interview session in the filmmakers lounge. |
It's important to meet and chat with as many people as you can at these festivals because other filmmakers provide tons of tips on how to work the festival circuit. They tell you things nobody else tells you about film festivals.
(L) Filmmakers Pat Ward Williams, Joana Limas Martins, Denise Ward-Brown, Murv hanging out after hours in S.F. near the Makeout Room |
Yes, the Makeout Room is the real name of the a nightclub. And no, I didn't make out! Wait a minute...